
Hello, my name is David Penaflor from the Hanmaum Church in Chuncheon.

안녕하세요. 춘천 한마음교회에 데이비드 페나플로어 입니다.

Growing up without a father after my parents divorced, I lived with anger and resentment.

저는 부모님이 이혼하신 후 아버지 없이 자라며, 아버지에 대한 원망과 분노로 살았습니다.

However, I want to share my testimony, which after meeting the Father God, I could forgive my natural father, and love all souls with the heart of the Father God.

하지만 복음으로 하나님 아버지를 만나 육신의 아버지를 용서하고 모든 영혼을 하나님의 사랑으로 품게 된 간증을 나누려 합니다.

But in reality, I felt so empty and sad, because my father was not there for me on my birthday's, and missed my middle and high school graduation ceremonies.

하지만 현실에서는 아버지가 없다는 것에 외롭고 슬펐습니다. 제 생일날에도, 중학교와 고등학교 졸업식 때도 아버지는 없으셨습니다.

I envied my friends who had their fathers to be there to support them.

아빠가 있는 친구들이 부러웠습니다.

I made every effort to stay in touch with him, sending letters and pictures to let him know how I was doing.

아버지와 계속 연락하고 지내기 위해, 편지와 사진을 보내며 안부를 전하며 모든 노력을 다 했습니다. Even the times when I enlisted in the Army, got married and had my first child; I never heard any response from him.

하지만 제가 군대에 갈 때에도, 결혼을 했을 때도, 그리고 첫 아들을 낳았을 때도 아무 연락이 없으셨어요.

All I wanted was just to hear him say, “Good job son, I am proud of you.”

저는 단지 아버지께 “잘했다 아들아. 네가 자랑스럽다.” 이한 마디를 듣고 싶었을 뿐이였어요.

Before I knew it, the love and the pride, I had for him slowly changed into anger and resentment.

아버지가 자랑스러웠고 그리웠던 제 마음은 어느새 원망과 미움으로 변해갔습니다.


While I was in the army, I was sent to my duty station in Korea to serve, and that was where I met my wife, who was Korean, and married there.

저는 한국에 파병 갔을때 한국인인 제 아내를 만났고, 우리는 그곳에서 결혼을 했습니다.

After my six years of military service, I was employed by the US Postal Service.

6년의 군생활을 마치고 미국 우체국에서 일하게 되었는데요.

One day, when I was delivering mail, I was surprised to see my father across the street in front of a fire station.

어느날 우편 배달 중, 길 건너 소방서 앞에서 아버지를 보고 깜짝 놀랐어요.

So after work, I visited him at the fire station.

일을 마친후 그 소방서로 아버지를 찾아갔습니다.

He was very surprised to see me.

저를 보고 많이 놀라시더라고요.

I asked him if he wanted to meet his first grandchild, and he answered, "yes."

손자를 만나보지 않으시겠는지 물었더니 그러자 하셨어요.

I brought my wife and son to visit him at his home.

아내와 아이들을 데리고 찾아갔어요.

As we were having lunch together, my little boy walked over to his grandfather and touched his leg.

같이 점심식사를 한 후, 어린 제 아들이 걸아가서 아버지 다리를 만졌어요.

But my father showed no emotion, nor did he try to talk to his grandson.

그런데 아버지는 제 아들에게 아무 감정표현도 아무말도 없으셨어요.


After all this time, not seeing him, I thought, at least, he would welcome us gladly.

이제껏 못만났어도, 적어도 우리를 반겨주기는 할것이라 생각했어요.

I felt like, he had not only forsaken me but now his grandson as well.

저만 버린 것이 아니라, 이제는 손자까지도 버리셨다는 기분이 들었어요.


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  7. 15Jun
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    2016/06/15 Views 1920 

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